
Dinner: Optional Evening Event (separate registration required)
Event TypeDinner
TimeMonday, June 320:00 - 23:00 CEST

PASC24 Optional Social Dinner

The PASC24 Conference Organizing Team is pleased to invite participants to attend an optional social evening event on Monday, June 3, 2024. This dinner is not included in the registration fee and can be booked as a supplementary option. Please note that space is limited, and registrations will close once we reach maximum capacity.

Date and time: Monday, June 3, 2024, at 20:00

Location: Restaurant Die Waid

Waidbadstrasse 45 | CH – 8037 Zürich

Restaurant Die Waid is perched approximately 140 meters above the city, offering breathtaking views of the city, Lake Zurich, and the Glarus Alps. We look forward to an enjoyable night in the company of old and new friends in this spectacular atmosphere.