Guidelines for Posters

The PASC Conference series is an international and interdisciplinary platform for the exchange of knowledge in scientific computing and computational science with a strong focus on methods, tools, algorithms, workflows, application challenges, and novel techniques in the context of scientific usage of high performance computing.

The Conference is co-sponsored by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) and the PASC structuring project and it is managed by the Swiss National Supercomputing Centre (CSCS). The local host of PASC24 is ETH Zurich, Main Building.

The technical program of PASC24 is organized around the following scientific domains:

  • Chemistry and Materials (incl. ceramics, metals, and polymers)
  • Climate, Weather, and Earth Sciences (incl. solid earth dynamics)
  • Applied Social Sciences and Humanities (incl. behavioral, economic, legal, political and business sciences, philosophy, languages, the arts, ethics in computing including climate impact of HPC, biases in machine learning, etc.)
  • Engineering (incl. CFD, computational mechanics, computational engineering and materials, turbulent flow)
  • Life Sciences (incl. biophysics, genomics, bioinformatics, systems biology, neuroscience, and computational biology)
  • Physics (incl. astrophysics, cosmology, plasma modelling, and quantum information sciences)
  • Computational Methods and Applied Mathematics

Poster presentations provide an ideal opportunity for the exchange of ideas and expertise within and between the various computational science domains represented at the conference. Poster submissions should describe topical research related to domain science, applied mathematics, computer science or software engineering. Posters that emphasize the theme of PASC24 – “Synthesizing Applications Through Learning and Computing” – are particularly welcome.

Poster presenters will be given the possibility to “pitch” their posters to the conference audience in a rapid-fire flash session before the scheduled poster session. Posters with the most stimulating content will be recognized in an award ceremony on the final day of the conference.


The poster submission should include the following information:

  • Topic: A title for the poster of no more than 20 words
  • Domain: Selection of a primary domain and optionally additional domains
  • Author details: Full names and contact details of author(s)
  • Abstract for review: A description of the work in no more than 800 words
  • Abstract for publication: A description of the work for publication in the online program (no more than 200 words)

Poster submissions should be made through the PASC24 online submission portal, and will be reviewed by domain experts from the PASC24 Minisymposia and Posters Program Committee.


We will host poster presentations on site at the Main Building of ETH Zurich. These sessions are exclusively for on-site attendees.

At the conference:

  • At the flash poster session: during this session you have the opportunity to “pitch” your poster to the conference audience in a rapid-fire flash session. You have maximum 30 seconds to engage the audience, so prepare well!
  • At the poster session: please carry your physical poster to be hung up on poster boards (poster boards are 186 cm high x 121 cm wide). The poster session is a great platform for knowledge exchange and networking.


22 December 2023: Deadline for posters abstracts
08 March 2024: Decision notifications
30 April 2024: Deadline for submission of poster image (PDF)

Deadlines correspond to anywhere on earth (‘AoE’ or ‘UTC-12’).

We look forward to receiving your submissions.


Please note that PASC24 is unable to reimburse the expenses or waive the registration fees for poster presenters. One author must be designated as the poster presenter in the submission. The designated presenter may be changed closer to the event according to circumstances. The PASC Conference reserves the right to remove contributions that are considered outside the scope of the conference at any time.