
P38 - Performance Characterisation of Software for Lattice Quantum Field Theory Beyond the Standard Model
DescriptionLattice Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) is a computationally demanding field that has driven many innovations in the High-Performance Computing space. Beyond the Standard Model (BSM) physics introduces additional degrees of freedom that significantly increase the complexity of software and the difficulty of writing performant, portable code. In this poster we present an assessment of the performance of HiRep and Grid, two suites of BSM-capable lattice software, when applied to problems of current physical interest. HiRep is a library and set of tools written in C, making use of a C++ and Perl code generator for the lowest-level data structures, and MPI for parallelism. Grid is a library and set of tools written in C++17, making use of expression templates to give both flexibility in usage and performance portability, based on separation of concerns, with parallelism available via combinations of technologies including MPI, OpenMP, and shared memory over NVLink. We discuss, using observed benchmark data, the areas in which each of these approaches perform, how scalable they are on CPU and GPU architectures, in the context of a set of modifications made to Grid to introduce support for theories in the symplectic family of groups, which have previously been implemented in HiRep.
TimeTuesday, June 49:53 - 9:54 CEST
LocationHG F 30 Audi Max
Session Chair
Event Type