
Minisymposium: MS6C - European Perspective on Converged HPC and Cloud Hardware & Software Architectures
Session Chair
Event TypeMinisymposium
Climate, Weather, and Earth Sciences
Computational Methods and Applied Mathematics
TimeWednesday, June 511:30 - 13:30 CEST
LocationHG E 1.1
Description Today, cloud computing technologies have gained prevalence for their benefits in resource dynamism, automation, reproducibility, and resilience. HPC offers access to advanced computing techniques and massive processing capability for grand challenges and scientific discovery. Meanwhile, the computing landscape is changing rapidly towards complex workloads and workflows that combine simulations with data analytics and machine learning. These workloads aim to apply large-scale and distributed computing to domains with high societal impact, such as autonomous vehicles and smart cities. Under the Horizon Europe call 2022 Open source for cloud-based services several projects have gathered to tackle different aspects of this challenge to integrated both Cloud and HPC. In this Minisymposium we are discussing first results as well as the possible impact of some of those projects and their proposed architectures on the HPC landscape.